A preliminary report on the effect of measured strength training in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Mooney V, Gulick J, Pozos R.
U.S. Spine and Sport Center, San Diego, California 92123, USA.
Abstract: The authors studied 12 adolescent patients with scoliosis (10 girls and 2 boys) who were 11 to 16 years old and had curvatures ranging from 20 degrees to 60 degrees. Seven were right thoracic curves and five were thoracolumbar with double curves. When tested on the MedX Torso Rotation Machine, both sides were unequal in their torso rotation strength all patients. Myoelectric activity was asymmetric in both sides and in abdominal and paraspinal muscles of all patients. These asymmetries were corrected completely with torso rotation, which was associated with significant strength gains. Strength gains ranged from 12% to 40%. A 16-year-old girl with a 60 degree lumbar curve progressed and had surgery. None of the remaining patients progressed, and 4 of the 12 had decreases in their curvatures from 20 degrees to 28 degrees. None of the patients used braces during this study.